Tuesday, January 4, 2011

20th ! ^_^

last year, im becoming 20th ! its my birthday on march.. oh now, i really feel more old.. no more like a kids with 19 o 18 years old.. ada kedutan kah di wajahku ? cehhh.. everybody will face this stage lol.. but u are still teenager .. the road that u have taken before will make u learn more and more and be a matured person..

and u anna, saying about this, u should be the one who makes your life to maturity .. haha.. starting from last year, i had learnt to be independent on myself.. but its not just like before, i dont know how to depend on myself.. i am not good at first instead of self-reliance..but when u are close with your mak an ayah, u still want something with your parent's help despite the fact that u have only burden them.. 

but for me, studying far away from mak n ayah and living far away from them will make u face through all these day independently with your own..
dont be too 'manja' facing your life without your parents. be independent on your own guys :)

haha. so long maa your intro cik anna oi.. cut it off bole x..? hee.. xpe.. sekali sekali.. bukan selalu nak lecture kan diri sendiri.. hehe

on my day last year, wish a very thank you to BRO RAFAEI( lecture from UIA, PJ ) and NAZMI also to IEQAH for celebrate my day outside.. bro was really nice ! he treats me secret recipe tuu.. then go watching for a movie.. opps not only 1 movie, but 2 movies on the same day.. hehehe.. memang kami beku hari tu stay on for a longer time in cinema.. anyway, tengs bro bawa saya n yang lain2 hang out bersama :)

tengok hah muka kempunan mam cake ! -__-"

tadaa.. ni lah BRO RAFAEI ^_^

yang ni pula IEQAH, peneman saya :)

NAMI.. kawan sejak hingusan lagi.. hehe :p


besday gurl should do her favourite game rite?
 here is it, BOWLING <3

and tengs again to them for cheering my life again.. wonderful is it ?

p/s : bro.. bila mau kahwin..? kami tak sabar nak tengok bro pakai baju pengantin.. mwahaha :D

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